Crossfit Lover?

I drank the Kool-Aid. I admit it. after downright refusing to full on “no, lets skip that and go to crossfit instead.” 
I am addicted.

However, I do not have any drastic before and after pictures to show you.  I actually gained and have remained the same.

Annoying? Aggravating? Frustrating? Downright WTF? Yes. But, what makes me even more mad, is that I care. I love my body and really tried to get over caring about #’s. but the fact that I am not getting drastic, jaw-dropping results is a blow to the ego.

I am lifting bigger weights, getting faster times and able to do things I never thought possible, so things are happening.
I am coming to terms with it, that I will actually be this size for the rest of my life (have been since a teen). I feel amazing after completing a class and feel invincible. I look at the WOD as soon as it is posted, complain how hard it is going to be, question the sanity of the programmers, then secretly get really excited.


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