Arbonne Lipsticks Review

I love Arbonne products! They are just great, highly pigmented, all natural and your usually buying from a friend, putting money in their pocket. They also come in a sleek black container so it can go with you in your clutch on a night out. When at a friend's Arbonne party, I saw Strawberry and decided I NEEDED it. I find a lot of red colours just not right and this hit the nail on the head for me. Like a savy shopper, I waited until Christmas and added it, along with Coral Reef to my wish list. Well, my mom came through in a big way. She is obviously related to me, because she also got me Bordeaux, which I would have never bought myself because it is so risque but I am excited to try it! These lipsticks are amazing, so smooth, hydrating and as long lasting as most. I am not usually a lipstick girl, so for me to make a fuss about some, is a big deal. These are highly recommended.


Eye makeup with this one requires very light, airy, maybe even shimmery. Do NOT do much to the eyes or cheeks. This is a statement piece for the face. I don't have to tell you the 1 rule. One facial feature (eyes, cheeks, mouth) maximized while the others are minimized. (I use the same rule with clothing, 1 statement piece, the rest simple simple simple)

This one also does not allow for much eye makeup, but you have a little bit more leeway. Don't choose shadows that are another colour, stick with neutrals.

Coral Reef
I get giddy thinking about this one. I did a small (not sure if that is the right word) smokey eye with this one. More like a eyeliner smudgeout. This one gives you the most leeway out of all three, but it still should be the focal point.

I will try to post some examples soon, I just moved to Toronto so I am just settling in!


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