PCOS Update

It has been over a year since I last discussed my PCOS. I kept seeing my naturopath and with her help I am basically symptom free.

Horrible PMS
At 3pm my body would shut down
Bad joints
Bad sleeping habits

Take magnesium for joints
Cut out as much carbohydrates, sugar & caffeine as possible
Exercise way more
Take iron, Inositol, B complex, vitamin D drops
Better sleep, not perfect.

I can work throughout the day and still have energy to go workout after work, which is incredible in itself since I would just go home and lay around until bedtime.

Exercise has helped with PMS, I still feel it sometimes but it is usually only a few hours where I want to kill everyone and eat everything. I also think it has helped me sleep better.

Seriously, AOR Magnesium Malmate is amazing for sore muscles and joints. I take 2 at dinner, making me less restless at night and feel little to no DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness).

My weight is still the same, which proves it wasn't the cause of my problems as some might suggest. PCOS does make it twice as hard for me to lose weight, but oh so easy to pack it on. The struggle is real.

PS I highly recommend a naturopath. They take the time to talk to you and think about the big picture problem, rather than just throwing drugs at it like a doctor.


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