PCOS -Polycystic Ovarian syndrome

PCOS is an asshole.

And I am not the only one who thinks so.

This week I have (finally!) been diagnosed with PCOS. After a few years of varying symptoms and issues I narrowed it down myself then found a naturopathic doctor who specializes in it to help me on my journey.

I had skin tags at a very young age. "Old blood" periods even when they were regular. Cramps so bad I would puke. On the pill, off the pill. Seasonal depression. What I thought had bad digestion. Mood swings. Bad knees since my teens now my hips (despite having thunder thighs of muscle), black hairs on my tummy, etc etc. OH and my mother and sister have been diagnosed.

6 months ago I had 2 episodes of cysts bursting. Basically, period cramps X 1000 and nausea so bad a bath can't help (a bath and my cocktail of pills help my cramps, actually a hot bath is a remedy almost anything).

I have been so relieved and happy I could cry. The more information I read the more I learn how affected I really have been. They are small(ish) symptoms but together they are huge annoyances and big problems down the road.

My family doctor basically said I was crazy. "Those episodes were just period cramps (never been so insulted in my life. I am well aware of what period cramps are, thank you)... your blood work is fine, so you are fine.... but here just to shut you up we will put you on the pill" I left frustrated and often in tears. Now as I do more research I find I am not alone in this and a lot of doctors don't make the connection.

This diagnoses doesn't mean there is a cure. This will be a lifetime struggle.

Now I am armed with validation, information and a doctor who specializes in PCOS.


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