Meal Preparation

I am not trying to claim that I am someone who is super healthy. But I try, that is the main thing, right?

You have probably heard about meal prep a number of times. Especially from your crazy healthy friends who are sooo annoying with their preaching.

I won't preach. Just tell you another couple reasons why it is so great.

SAVES TIME! I got grocery shopping once a week and that is it. I look on Pinterest for the recipes I want to cook, make a list and go! Then I spend my Sunday cooking up lunches, dinners and snacks and am done for the week. DONE. It feels so great to be able to go out and do whatever I want after work and not have to worry about making lunch for the next day. Or when you come home exhausted, dinner is ready and waiting!

SAVES MONEY! One shopping trip. Keep within your budget and then you do not have to worry about unexpected trips to the grocery store or have to buy lunches some days because you were too lazy to make food the night before.

SAVES CALORIES! Your whole day can be calculated and accounted for so you know if you can sneak in that 3 o'clock mini chocolate bar (my weakness).

Check out my Pinterest to see the things I have and want to make:

Here is what my half of the fridge looks like with some Sunday night shots:


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