DIY Ombre

I have wanted this hair for some time now, but was unsure if it would look good or that this style was going to be trendy for much longer. It seems that this trend isn't going anywhere, anytime soon.
Being frugal after stretching my wallet in Calgary one weekend and Kelowna the next, I decided to try doing this myself. Where I got this notion and the balls to do it remains a mystery.

Onto why you guys are here: How.

Step 1:Buy the supplies.
I got a highlighting kit from the drugstore. But I am sure you can get any bleach or bleach like products from any beauty supply store.

Step 2: Section hair.
I did three sections. Bottom, middle and top layers. I suggest this but you know your hair better so do what works better with your layers. No layers? Section it anyway to make your hair more manageable.

Step 3: Apply product.
This brand comes with a spatula type thing that I used, I tried to avoid using my hands at all costs because a little on the gloves transferred anywhere could be a disaster. First, just do the tips of your hair. The part you want to be the blondest. Once the colour is halfway what you want apply colour to the height or length you want. You want the solution on longer where you want it blonder.

Then I went through my layers again. The first or bottom layer I applied about the product half way up. Second layer to match with the first layer's length.

The top layer is where it gets tricky, but fun! I painted the tips, then painted highlights and my front pieces or bangs.

Make sure to make it more messy than blunt, it should look like a gradual change rather than blatant lines between the colours.

Please do not let your tips touch any other part of your hair. Put plastic bags over the ends of your hair if you have to!

Step 4: Watch carefully.
Watch and check how light your hair colour is getting. I washed out my hair after 15 minutes thinking that it was done. It was almost there but not quite. So I applied more and left it on for another 20 minutes.

Step 5: Wash out!

My ends are pretty fried so I am going to be using deep conditioners for a while, but totally worth it. I love the results. Let me know what you think!


  1. Love it Seva!!!!
    Looks so good, I was also wondering if Ombre was here for the long run, looks like it is!
    Currently revamping some ideas for my blog but hope you keep posting on yours!!



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